September 2024 : New MusicSpeak is streaming across all platforms, enjoy.
CD's are out of print for now.
Thank you, GW
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"Quick, easy, safe and direct from Musicspeak, Inc".
"With some great hooks and carefully crafted songs this is dynamic rock at its best from this new American Band. -MC"
(from Classic Rock Society print magazine)
"Gary Williams' inventive drumming is a highlight! He plasters his beats with staccatto double kick flurries and aggressive hand-foot combos that turn every song into a rhythmic tour de force"
(Modern Drummer print magazine)
"MusicSpeak is the project of versatile multi-instrumentalist and music educator Gary Williams. Clearly, from a spin or two, Williams precision and skillfulness in song composition and musicianship is self-evident."
(Danger Dog print magazine)
"If you like a modern mix of AOR and pop rock and female vocals, then the new CD from Vermont's MUSICSPEAK may be right up your alley"
(from Fireworks / Melodic Rock (print magazine)
Glad so much is happening for you, it is well-deserved. I can not tell you how much I have listened to the AWESOME CD! I can assist in any way you wish as far as promotion, dj's, program directors, booking agents. Hey how about a major showcase here in Nashville! This project of yours has the potential to reach that GOLD RING!"
(from Judy Whiting - Moody Judy Productions / Lilac Moon Promotions)
"MusicSpeak' is an album of rock optimism. In their song "Listen," the lead singer wails "Face up to the new day!" It is not only encouragement for listeners everywhere to seize the day, but it is also an accurate representation of the album's sound. MusicSpeak has a positive outlook that vibrates in every song and hardship, suggesting to live in the moment because "tomorrow is already gone."
(from Vermont Music Library and Shop)